Wednesday, September 20, 2006

We made it to the run-off on November 7th!

This is the first opportunity I have had to sit down and write since I made it into run off for the general election. With your help we did it! The election will take place on November 7th. I expected to have a run off all along, and I believe we are exactly where we are meant to be. We finished with only 4.1 percentage points separating me and my opponent. We have come a long way and I am excited about the next 50 days. But we have a lot of hard work ahead. I will not rest until we win this election.

I thought I was going to sleep in on the morning following the primary election and would start making my phone calls in the afternoon. Well I woke up without an alarm before the sun was up, and waited very impatiently for the clock to reach a decent phone calling hour. I hit the ground running, raising money and putting the plan in motion for the general election. I will continue to run this way until the last poll closes on November 7th.

This is going to be a battle to end. Many current school administrators do not want me elected and are working very hard for my opponent who is a 35 year district insider. He has received a lot of "financial backing from the who's-who of district leadership" (Source: St. Pete Times, September 6, 2006).

They do not want an independent leader who will challenge the status-quo sitting on the school board. We need a leader on the board who will challenge the administration...not be challenged by the administration. I am that leader.

I need your the way of your vote, financial support, volunteers, yard sign placements, and spreading the word about me. You can make a donation using PayPal(C) by visiting my web site or by mail to 304 W. Henry Avenue, Tampa, FL 33604. Contact me at 813-417-1102 or respond to this email if you are interested in helping. You can also direct your friends to my web site to learn more about me, sign up to be a volunteer, and make donations.

Thank you for supporting me and helping me achieve a monumental victory on September 5th. We will win in November! April

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