Tuesday, July 11, 2006

April Griffin is endorsed by Hillsborough School Employees

I have just been endorsed by the Hillsborough School Employee Federation (HSEF), Local 4154. This is the first time the HSEF has endorsed a School Board Candidate in almost 2 decades.

Here is an excerpt from a press release issued by the HSEF:

Luis Perez, President of HSEF said "April's fresh and inquisitive approach to gathering information and making decisions is in the best interest of our children and the employees serving their needs". "April is a breath of fresh air, we are proud to endorse her for School Board" said HSEF's Vice-President and Organizer Josephine Alvarez. "We are going to work very hard to help get her elected".

I am proud and excited to be endorsed by the employees of Hillsborough County Schools and will honor my commitment to always be accessible and always listen.

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